Useful Quotes - April

 "Clients who haggle over their agency's compensation are looking through the wrong end of the telescope. Instead of trying to shave a few measly cents off the agency's fifteen per cent, they should concentrate on getting more sales results from the eighty-five per cent they spend on time and space. That is where the leverage is. No manufacturer ever got rich by underpaying his agency. Pay peanuts and you get monkeys."

— David Ogilvy

“Wrong decisions are part of life. Being able to make them work anyway is one of the abilities of those who are successful.”

— Warren Buffett

“Instead of asking how many tasks you can tackle given your working hours, ask how many you can ditch given what you must do to excel.”

— Morten Hansen

Poet Marianne Moore offers a simple life strategy:

"I've made it a principle not to be over-influenced by minor disappointments."

Entrepreneur Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx, on failure:

"When my brother and I were growing up, my father would encourage us to fail. We'd sit around the dinner table and he'd ask, "What did you guys fail at this week?" If we had nothing to tell him, he'd be disappointed. The logic seems counterintuitive, but it worked beautifully.

He knew that many people become paralyzed by the fear of failure. They're constantly afraid of what others will think if they don't do a great job and, as a result, take no risks. My father wanted us to try everything and feel free to push the envelope. His attitude taught me to define failure as not trying something I want to do instead of not achieving the right outcome."


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