Buffett - Only need to swing at great pitches
I finally understand what Buffett meant when he said you don’t have to swing at every pitch. As individual investors (or non-institutional investors), we don’t have the pressure to perform year-after-year. No one is holding us accountable to return 10% a year - this gives us flexibility to buy or not buy - or i.e. to stay in cash for prolonged periods of time (and perhaps stay in money market). This provides individual investors the option to only swing at the truly great pitches (wait till a stock is convincingly undervalued). Of course, you can go short - but you then fall into the trap of trying to time the market. And as Buffett has also said, the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. If the market keeps running up because of irrationality - or some other reason - you lose if you are short. So why even take the chance? Why not just stay in cash and be safe, and if the market does tank, that's when you strike/swing the hardest.